Thursday, March 31, 2011

rainbow necklace

I  have made a  simply necklace made from flannel in many colors :D  
I hope you will like it :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

fishy fishy pouch :3

reuse, reduce, recycle :D
make something useful from something useless :)
that is a fish pouch, I guess

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

my first doll :D

actually, I wanna make a bag, but that's to small to be a bag. so I change it into a doll. yeah, my first doll. an elephant doll. that's nice, isn't it ? 

please leave your comment :D

Saturday, March 26, 2011


hari ini pas sebulan loo
mau berapa lama lagi ? diam nggak menyelesaikan masalah kan.
tell me  and I will give you what you want :") 

Friday, March 25, 2011

flower pencil case for ayyik

I have made another pencil case for ayyik , a flower pencil case. may be it looks so girly, somehow haha but that's not a big deal, right ? and I made it without zipper

Thursday, March 24, 2011

marine pencil case for ayyik

I have made a marine pencil case for ayyik. the pencil case made from flannel and fabrics. but I have made a mistake with the zipper  so that it can't open :"(( I think I will make her another pencil case heheh so sorry honeeeeeey :D 

marine pencil case made by me

my own owl bag

I just feel bored with my old bag, so I decided to redecorated it with flannel and fabrics I got from my elder sister. 

 bag made by jolie

 floral fabrics


I decided to make a giant night owl in the middle of the bag. I think that is the easiest animal to made. just put your flannel, fabrics and also your creativity to make something and it will look great ! and the most important is LOW BUDGET 

is it nice ? try to make your own at home :")

new decoration of rumah mirota, cozy place to study and eating :)

hari ini , aku pertama kalinya pergi ke rumi dengan dekorasi terbaru. hmmm ternyata cozy jugaa. warnet2nya pindah ke belakang, jadi bagian depan full dijadiin restora. nggak rugi deh mbolos jamnya pas kusworo wkwkwkw. makanannya juga nggak gitu mahal. aku, ithoh, sama pipit nyobain pesen ini.

 chicken cheese omelet

selain buat makan tempat ini juga cozy banget buat nongkrong ama belajar. hehe maklum sebagai anak kelas 3 jadi biasanya belajar sambil bermain.. yaa sambil menyelam minum air lah :)

nimitta and her math's book

sepertinya kalian harus kesini ! recommended banget daah :D

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Me and my dream about my little family :3

setelah nginep kemarin jadi kepikiran juga sih besok gimana hihihh. bukannya kebelet sih, cuma seru aja kan ngrancang masa depan  kita. nggak selama kita gone with wind mulu, kita juga harus punya plan hidup kita mau dibawa kemana, mau gimana, our life in our hand :")

Rule 1   :
I wanna have a little family
mungkin dua anak aja cukup, apa 3 ? hmm berapa ajalah yang penting kita bertanggung jawab ama anak kita kelak hihihi kalo pengen sih nggak usah pake babby sitter, susu formula itu namanya pemborosan haha.

Rule 2  :
I wanna have a little house in the little village or top of mountain or river bank or near beach
nggak tau kenapa emang aku nggak suka rumah yang gede banget. pengennya rumah mungil aja, tapi hangat. keluarga sering ngumpul kalo rumah gede2 kan susah ngumpulnya. enak ya kayaknya kalo punya rumah di desa, deket sungai mungkin. hmm nggak mungkin sih kalo deket sungai di jogja, ancaman banjir lahar dingin mengancam. mungkin in another country, like swiss perhaps :") 
punya halaman yang agak luas, ada pohon apelnya. jadi anak2 bisa main ayunan disitu kitanya bisa baca2 duduk sambil ngeteh di bawah pohon juga sambil nemenin anak2 main. that is soooo interesting :")

Rule 3    :
I wanna have my own coffee shop or boutique
aku nggak pengen kerja kantoran yang deadlinenya seabreek !!! aku nggak mau diperbudak oleh pekerjaan !!
mungkin punya sebuah usaha sendiri seperti coffee shop apa butiq lebih bijak. kalo usaha sendiri kita yang meenentukan deadline kita, dan nggak akan ngerasa diperbudak oleh pekerjaan. dan karena ini punya sendiri, jadi tetep bisa ngurus anak sama suami :") nggak mau jadi ibu rumah tangga doang yang ngrepotin suami tapi juga nggak mau jadi wanita karir yang diperbudak oleh pekerjaan ? punya usaha sendiri kayak coffee shop adalah pilihan terbaik 

Rule 4     :
Pendidikan itu penting
yaaaa, bener banget ! pendidikan paling utama, harusnya aku nulis di nomor 1 ya tapi kelupaan tadi yaudah gapapa deh. jadi aku nggak mau nikah sebelum aku nyelesein pendidikan, mapan. buat apa capek capek sekolah kalo ujung2nya ibu rumah tangga doang ? kita nggak boleh selamanya tergantung sama suami brooo. jadi apaapun yang terjadi, pendidikan itu sangat penting !

Rule  5    :
I wanna be a novel writer
selain punya usaha sendiri, jadi penulis juga bisa jadi kegiatan. soalnya nulis apalagi novel nggak ada paksaan, kita sendiri yang nentuin. tapi jangan harap jadi kaya raya lewat nulis, ya bisa sih buat hidup tapi nggak mungkin sekaya pengusaha. karena ini soal kesenangan broo jadi nggak bisa diukur lewat materi. buat apa duit seabrek kalo kita cuma diperbudak sama kerjaan ? karena apapun itu, mau jadi penulislah, asal kita punya passion pasti nemuin jalan kok :")

Rule 6  :
may be, If I'm already rich someday, I wanna built kindergarten and be the teacher 
hahah mungkin ini keinginan konyol tapi emang beneran ini pengenku. stoop jangan diketwain ! kalo besok aku udah kaya, pengen banget rasanya buat kindergarten terus jadi gurunya hihihihihih pengen banget. liat anak2 lari2, ketwa2, wawawwa adorable :D

Rule 7   :
I'm not looking for the perfect one, but the right one
hahaha ngacoo banget dah ini. tapi bener sih, aku nggak nyari orang yang sempurna soalnya aku sadar aku pun nggak jadi sia2 doang nyari yang smpurna, but I'm looking the right one. siapapun yang menemaniku membangun castil mungil dengan keluarga mungil yang hangat kelak, yang jelas aku cuma pengen satu  : cinta tanpa syarat, and he always beside me all the time to see our baby grows up  :")

udah ah, ini cuma postingan ngaco doang hehe. tapi beneran ini dari hatiku yang terdalam. semoga semuanya bisa terwujud. mau jadi apapun, ASAL PUNYA PASSION SEMUANYA PASTI BISA :")

little family :3

hallo she is my lovely cousin,  Shelomita Ayu Aisya :) she looks pretty cute, right ?

last week I went to my brother's house for sleep over to get some refreshing. you know, I'm so bored with my daily activity as 12 grades student. and I think i have to get a nap for a while. and I did it :) that was so interesting. live in small house in small village ( but that is not so far from downtown ) with little warm family :")
take care his little daughter  along the day, I really really enjoy it. may be I want to have my own baby hihihihihi someday :)

shelo and her cute crocodile pis-pot 

shelo is wearing nice purple dress

after I went to my brother's house, I realize that  family is the most precious thing in the world. nothing can replace it. and take care a baby, look they grow up, their smile, their laugh are the fuel of each parent in the world.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

tanggal 22

heeeeeey hari ini tanggal 22 looh :") selamat yaa
harusnya sih 7 bulan, tapi ya apa mau dikata hehe :") 6 bulan yang sangat indah kok, dan perlu disyukuri.

"jika sesuatu yang indah berakhir, jangan pernah menyesalinya, tetapi kau harus bersyukur karena itu semua pernah terjadi " 

bener kan , bunch ?

Friday, March 18, 2011


In July 21, 2009 there were a couple of young kids deciding to establish a band for Yamaha Music’s Bandblast competition in Yogyakarta. It should be understandable if they didn’t have enough time to prepare themselves since they established it a week before the due date. But then, the band managed to win the third place. The history of a band of very young musicians started since then. The band dares to be different by taking the genre rarely taken by any other bands with the personnel in their ages.
We all know that jazz develops very well lately in Indonesia. We see so many newcomers entering the jazz scene from time to time. They bring different tastes and flavors into the industry enriching it in such a way 
Rekoneko (6)
having plenty to choose. Many of these new bands consists of very young musicians, most of them are college students. But here’s the thing. Most of these bands take the most appealing jazz side to suit their range of age, and that’s the groove-pop jazz. We’ve seen this evidence in some auditions. There’s nothing wrong with it, because no matter this groove bands can always bridge the gap between the jazz fans and those who are not into it. Therefore we are surprised finding a band of very young members but have enough skill to go against all odds, bringing the kind of jazz that’s really not a favorite among their generations. Rekoneko Band does just that. They bring the kind of fusion like the type we used to love in the 80′s through the famous fusion bands back then such as Karimata. Though their music resembles the eras where they mightn’t have even been born, they know how to bring it to fit the current. What makes it more interesting is that the personnel of Rekoneko have tremendous skills to do that. Some of them have even bagged many achievements since a very tender age. The good thing doesn’t stop there. They also dare to go exploring wider by visiting the land of ethno-musicology. Once again, remember that we are talking about young musicians, ranging from the first grade in high school to first semester in college.
Rekoneko (1)
The first formation of the band when formed in 2009 was Luke (guitar), Rossa (bass), Sammy (piano/keyboard), Rais (drums) and Shazlin (vocal). As the time goes by, Rekoneko reshaped their 
Rekoneko (8)

Rekoneko (9)formation. Rais was out and replaced by a wonder kid drummer who has started playing drums since 5 years old and the keyboard was moved to Christianlie. Sammy was back for a while, but these are the members who have been standing in Rekoneko since mid 2010 until now: Luke (guitar), Rossa (bass), Mahesa (drums), Ido (keyboard). Luke was the finalist of Fest Guitar Yamaha and third winner of Sound & Performance Guitar Competition. Mahesa is the member who bagged awards the most since 2003, when he was still 8 years old. The Best New Talent for Jazz Goes to Campus 2005, winning the first prize of Yamaha Student Competition: Solo Junior Local, First Winner of Drum competition Yamaha Student Contest 2007 in Surabaya, The Best Drum Senior II Gilang Ramadhan Studio Drummer 2008 (Cental Java and Yogyakarta) and The Best Drummer of Jazz Fusion Music Competition 2010 (Semarang) are just a few of his achievements. Since he was a kid he has played with many older jazz musicians to legends including Idang Rasjidi, Benny Mustafa, Luluk Purwanto and The Helsdingen Trio, A.S Mates and Andien.  
He is a certified drummer up to the Advance III level, even became a jury in a competition last year. Rossa is shining as one of the few female jazz bassists. Her bass pattern is strong, groovy and steady. She can go soft but change ferociously wild when needed. And last but not least, the keyboardist, Ido, has a habit to go pouring down the melody in lovely streams in the smooth jazz-fashioned way that sometimes remind us of some stand-out smooth jazz pianists such as David Benoit, Dave Grusin and the likes. This group of four seems solid, so solid that they released this album as their debut in the end of 2010. Eventhough they stated to make the album more as a documentation of the band, yet the album was made seriously. It was recorded at MIX Studio, the only major label in Jogja. The album has only 6 songs, but all are original and creatively done. They have received many positive feedbacks, and we can see that they often got helped by the more senior musicians especially for instrument outside the combo such as saxophone and some traditional instruments such as sitar (the Indian, Pakistan and Bangladesh traditional guitar) or siter (a plucked string instrument with an oblong box resonator). Now let’s see the songs one by one.
Rekoneko (2)
The album opens up with “Midnight Train”. Perhaps this song will easily be the most favorite one for its smooth jazz touch like the jazz style of GRP Records in the 80′s. Andika who wrote this beautiful smooth adventure also plays as the pianist. Brian’s vocal humming in some parts is very cool to listen; it reminds us of the memorable collaboration between Dave Grusin, Lee Ritenour and Ivan Lins in Grusin’s Harlequin (1985). Listen to this song, and you will feel like riding the train late at night. It’s sweet, smooth but inspirational. It’s an easy listening; it will grab your mind instantly. Next song is “Kecewa”, served with funkier groove. Rachma, the ex-vocalist of Kirana Big Band who now has moved to Bali to continue her career with Erik Sondhy and Koko Harsoe, is the vocalist of this song. Her strong textured vocal is really nice to listen over the funk rhythm and smooth jazzy pattern. This catchy groovy song will suit the wide variety of listeners at once.
Rekoneko (4)
Rekoneko (7)It’s time to get deep and find out the creativity of Rekoneko with “Moonlight Dance”.
The song starts with the sound of Sitar played by Jarot Sanjay Dut. From there the pattern moved into the pentatonic landscape in roarin’ rockin’ guitar. This song is very rich by the use of both Sitar and Siter to represent the surrealistic world of India and Java merged as one over the fusion, also with the rockin’ approach and some country-like piano streams. This song really reminds us of how well Karimata did it back then. And to be honest, these kids can really match this legendary group, even dare to go beyond the limit by using more variety of ethnic instruments. This is the song that was brought for the very first time by Rekoneko at Bandblass Yamaha Music festival in 2009. For that, this song is said to be their anthem. It’s a perfect choice, since this song can really show their skill, creativity and richness at the same time. Rachma once again contributed by singing like a sinden (Javanese traditional singer) in the middle.
Move on to the fourth track and you will reach “Shandukara”. Shandukara is a Sanskrit means “Agreement”. Smartly they didn’t choose to bring the Indian music for this one; instead they chose to bring it
with conga and lovely samba feel. Once again this song which was written by Haris Natanael, the instructor of Rekoneko, shows their capability to play the samba-esque fusion flawlessly. Delightful and fresh might be perfect to describe this song. They quickly raise the game to surprise us in the fifth song, “Impromptu”. This song has the fast speeding classical music dominating the song. Playing this kind of song fast needs good enough skill, and for us this is the song that shows how high their skills are. This very difficult composition was written by Singgih Sanjaya, an Indonesian musician/orchestra arranger. This song is not only changing pace with full variety of classical disciplines but also having some twists and turns with changing moods. Impromptu is indeed a masterpiece due to its high degree of difficulties but still very challenging to listen to.
For the last song, Luke’s “My Dream” captures their true hearts as youngsters since it is a free, calm, joyful and cheerful song. Still delivered in tasty melodic fusion with steady rhythm, this song is best to represent Rekoneko for their true-self.
Rekoneko (3)
Six songs are enough to wow us. We wouldn’t believe that this kind of piece could come from mostly high school students. Looking at the path they are taking and how brave they are in playing it, we are sure that they have a very clear future ahead. That is, if they still consistently continue what they have been doing. One day these kids will emerge as the frontline musicians. If they keep the band alive, this band becomes a very strong group since it has more than enough potential to be bigger. If you think young bands only play groove, it’s time to change that thought because Rekoneko brings something different with awesome skill and creativity. Not just a simple fusion, but they dare to go boldly across the boundary by visiting some ethnical world and brought it back into their fusion style. This is not something often to see, and for that we should give big applause for them. Rekoneko band still has a long way to go but at least they have done a remarkable and very solid start. We keep on listening to this band and think what they will be in the next 5 or 10 years. Make a way for these youngsters because they will continue to blow your mind away. Bravo Rekoneko, thank you for preserving the fusion in such charming way. You make us proud. How lovely it is to see the future of Indonesian jazz with having you inside.
Rekoneko are:
Luke (guitar)
Rossa (bass)
Mahesa (drums)
Ido (keyboard)

Midnight Train
Moonlight Dance
My Dream

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"The Man Who Can't Be Moved"

Going Back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"

Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you

'cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving

Policeman says, "Son you can't stay here"
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go

'cause If one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving,
I'm not moving, I'm not moving

People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world

Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
Maybe you wont mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved

Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move

Friday, March 4, 2011

aku tau aku nggak cantik, aku nggak pinter, aku nggak baik, aku gendut, aku nggak punya apa-apa. tapi aku masih punya hati ooi, It's really hurt :")

Thursday, March 3, 2011

D'cinamons - loving you

Ring, ring it's you again heart pops
I loved to hear you
It's been all day I've been waiting for you
Hello, you call my name
So much stories you shared with me
You said a lot to me about girls
Oh, it's so nice
And every beauty thing they did to you
Don't stop and tell me more'

Chorus: Loving you it hurt sometimes
I'm standing here you just don't bye
I'm always there you just don't feel
Or you just don't wanna feel
Don't wanna be hurt that way
It doesn't mean I'm givin' up
I wanna give you more
And more and more'

Knock, knock you came around heart pops
I loved to see you
It's been two years since I'm love with you
Bum! Bum! You break my heart
You said, girl I'm in love with her
But it's all right, I'm still alive yeah' ohh'
And all the beauty things she did to you
Don't stop and tell me more

Back to: Chorus

And when I see that smile upon your face
Deep in your eyes you had it all
And when I hear you super electrical voices'

Back to: Chorus (2x)